Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

Today is a very special day for a very special lady. My grandma turned 90 today! And so a bunch of us Krahns (well, I'm a Raichura but you know, half of me is Krahn) and other friends and relatives came and celebrated the long and blessed life of a wonderful lady who has done so much for so many. She is a very humble lady who, when asked to give a speech, said she did not deserve such a wonderful party. Are you kidding me?

Well anyways, my mom worked very hard to put on this party. She prepared a photo board, ordered a whole lotta food, drinks, prepared a bunch of things, reserved a whole bunch of other things, and made sure everyone had a great time. There was also a very cool powerpoint of pictures dating all the way back to Grandma's childhood (1920s?). There were also pictures of her children - 9 (2 boys, 1 girl, 2 boys, 1 girl, 2 boys, 1 girl), grandchildren - 24, great-grandchildren - 16. Amazing. Most of these people were there, too.

It was a great time of celebrating my grandma's life, and visiting with other family members that I so seldom get to see. The bottom right picture is of me and my dear good cousin, Sheila. Almost every time I have a family gathering, I am not too excited about going, but when I get there I don't want to leave. I have a lot of cool cousins, uncles and aunts. And of course, I love my grandma too! Happy Birthday, and I pray you will have many more years of joy!

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