Saturday, September 4, 2010

Prayer Requests for September

Hi everyone. I was going to make a video post of my prayer requests, but realized that most people would probably watch the video once, if that, and possibly forget the requests. So I'm going to put them in writing, and hope you can pray with me about these things.


1) My current visa expires in December. I am planning on applying for a missionary visa as soon as possible. Pray that God would guide the process and that I would not be anxious.

2) Ministry continues! Along with Steve and Michiyo Lorincz, I have been heading out to Yuni on Thursdays and to Tobetsu around once a month. My work and study schedules conflict with those ministries at times, unfortunately. Pray for the people of Yuni and Tobetsu. Also, we are gathering in the Lorincz apartment every Sunday morning for service. It is a small place but for the time being, it is more than enough. Praise God!

3) Part-time jobs here, there, and everywhere! At the moment, I have three part-time jobs on top of studying for my master's degree and private English lessons. My schedule is so irregular and although it sounds really full, everything is in such small quantity that I do not feel that I am terribly busy. Please pray that God would continue to provide for my needs and that I might shine the light of Christ in my places of work (most of which do not allow me to share the gospel).
アルバイト生活中。現在では、3つのアルバイトをしながら大学院の勉強をしています。それに、個人の英語のレッスンをもやっています。私の毎日が違っていて大変そうに聞こえるかもしれないけど実は、けっこうヒマです(笑) 神様が続けて私の必要をすべて備えてくださることと、私がバイト先でイエスキリストの光を輝くことを祈ってください。

4) I am trying to learn guitar so that I can help with worship at our services. This would have been much easier if I had started when I was younger (i.e. a kid). But I still have the desire, and feel like I am oh-so-slowly making progress. Pray that God would be glorified through my guitar playing and that someday, I might be competent enough to play worship songs.

Thank you, and feel free to share prayer requests with me, either in the comments section or by e-mail! You know how/where to find me! God bless you all!


Yasutomo said...


Trevor Raichura said...
