Sunday, September 12, 2010

In the Mail - 郵便物の喜び

I'll admit it - I absolutely love getting things in the mail. Even the rejection letter for a job the other day kinda put a smile on my face. But seriously, over the past few days I have been really blessed by a couple of great brothers in Okinawa. On Friday, I received a book in the mail from Simon. It's called "The story of the Bible gifted to the Japanese" (or something like that). I hope to read it, understand it, and use it to reach out to the people of Hokkaido!



Then on Saturday, I got a special edition of the Ryukyu Shimpo in the mail from brother Chuck. I had been watching the Japanese High School Baseball National Tournament all along, and was so excited when Konan High (from Okinawa) won it all - the first team in Okinawa to win the summer tournament, and the 6th team in all of Japan to win the spring-summer tournaments back-to-back! (I would have liked it even more if Okisho had been the team to accomplish the feat, but nonetheless, congrats to Konan!) And thanks to Chuck for thinking of me!

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