Every time something fun is happening, it seems like I have forgotten my camera at home! So I haven't had much to update lately. But here's the latest and greatest: the Yuni ministry is going well! Still no "increase" or "harvest" but it seems like the two ladies we are primarily ministering to are more and more interested in the gospel! The past two weeks I went to Yuni solo (Steve and Michiyo had other engagements) and for the first time ever, I have had to "carry the conversation" so-to-speak. But God gave me boldness to share about His Son, and while neither made a commitment, I could see their eyes lighting up! I hope and pray that their salvation would come soon! Pray for Shoji-san and Sakamoto-san, please!
God has allowed me to teach His Word recently - last Sunday and again tomorrow, I am teaching at church on Sunday morning. God has given me wisdom and insight that I couldn't have gotten on my own. Since the majority of the church is children when Steve and Michiyo are absent (as they were last week and will be tomorrow) so I am trying to teach more at their level without taking away from the content and application for any adults present. So pray that tomorrow's message would also be blessed!
We tried to apply for the missionary visa yesterday, but we hit a few snags - so we will have to apply next week or the week after, depending on how quickly we get the necessary paperwork. Pray for God's mercy and favour in this process - of course His will
will be done, but pray for our peace of mind as we wait!
I have a few private English students - one of whom passed his grad school entrance exam (praise the Lord, for He still does miracles!), the other of whom has a "telephone test" on Monday. If she passes, she will be heading to Israel to do some volunteer work at a food bank in Jerusalem. Pray for Mikiko, that God would give her the ability to answer any questions that come her way! If she heads out to Israel, hopefully she will be getting in touch with
Takako - one of my favourite ladies from Calvary Chapel Ginowan/Calvary Chapel Okinawa/OCSI! It would be so cool if they could meet in Israel and be a blessing to each other!
I will be heading to Korea in two weeks for my grad school residential conference. Pray that my travels would go smoothly and that I can be a light for Christ to my classmates. Some of them are Christians, many are not. One in particular is seeking, it would seem. Then hopefully at the beginning of November I will be heading to the Tokyo area for a men's retreat and then to the Osaka area to meet up with several friends. May the Lord's will be done!