Thursday, September 30, 2010

Special Visitors

Sapporo (and specifically the Lorinczes and I) are blessed to welcome two special guests to the area: Mihoko Bolinger and her friend from CC Costa Mesa, Felice - who is an assistant to the missions director for all of Calvary Chapel! So in true Calorie Chapel fashion, we went out last night for delicious ramen, then checked out a panoramic view of the city, and finally some sweets (cake and milk tea). Can't go wrong with the 2 F's: food and fellowship! Thank you, Lord, for visitors!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request

Hi everyone, I know most of you won't see this until it's too late, but there is no such things as a "late prayer" in God's time - He is not bound by the same rules as we are! Please pray for my student Mikiko, who has a telephone interview/test that, if (when) she passes, will allow her to volunteer at a food bank in Jerusalem, Israel. Mikiko has a real heart for the Israelis, God's people. I just had my last lesson with her, and she said she is feeling a little under the weather and also nervous, but I assured her that God's will will be done! Anyways, thanks for praying!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

An Unexpected Visitor

Earlier this week I got an e-mail from a former student - none other than Hiromu Migita, class of 2005 at OCSI. He said, "I'm coming to Hokkaido with my grandfather and we've got a tour package but we're free on Sunday night. Wanna get some dinner or something?" Absolutely! Wouldn't miss it for the world! Didn't miss it for the world! It was awesome seeing Hiromu again and talking about the good old days, as well as what's new and exciting in our lives. I treasure my students so much and simply love seeing how they are doing. Thanks for getting in touch with me, Hiromu! Hope you and Andi complete that bike trip next summer! I'll be waiting for you (with ice packs)!


Saturday, September 25, 2010

More of the Same?

Earlier this month, I posted about improving my running time, and about receiving stuff in the mail. Well, I guess "whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance" (Matthew 13:12)! Check this out! Thanks for the cookies, Teppei! Thanks for the legs, Lord!


News Without Pictures

Every time something fun is happening, it seems like I have forgotten my camera at home! So I haven't had much to update lately. But here's the latest and greatest: the Yuni ministry is going well! Still no "increase" or "harvest" but it seems like the two ladies we are primarily ministering to are more and more interested in the gospel! The past two weeks I went to Yuni solo (Steve and Michiyo had other engagements) and for the first time ever, I have had to "carry the conversation" so-to-speak. But God gave me boldness to share about His Son, and while neither made a commitment, I could see their eyes lighting up! I hope and pray that their salvation would come soon! Pray for Shoji-san and Sakamoto-san, please!

God has allowed me to teach His Word recently - last Sunday and again tomorrow, I am teaching at church on Sunday morning. God has given me wisdom and insight that I couldn't have gotten on my own. Since the majority of the church is children when Steve and Michiyo are absent (as they were last week and will be tomorrow) so I am trying to teach more at their level without taking away from the content and application for any adults present. So pray that tomorrow's message would also be blessed!

We tried to apply for the missionary visa yesterday, but we hit a few snags - so we will have to apply next week or the week after, depending on how quickly we get the necessary paperwork. Pray for God's mercy and favour in this process - of course His will will be done, but pray for our peace of mind as we wait!

I have a few private English students - one of whom passed his grad school entrance exam (praise the Lord, for He still does miracles!), the other of whom has a "telephone test" on Monday. If she passes, she will be heading to Israel to do some volunteer work at a food bank in Jerusalem. Pray for Mikiko, that God would give her the ability to answer any questions that come her way! If she heads out to Israel, hopefully she will be getting in touch with Takako - one of my favourite ladies from Calvary Chapel Ginowan/Calvary Chapel Okinawa/OCSI! It would be so cool if they could meet in Israel and be a blessing to each other!

I will be heading to Korea in two weeks for my grad school residential conference. Pray that my travels would go smoothly and that I can be a light for Christ to my classmates. Some of them are Christians, many are not. One in particular is seeking, it would seem. Then hopefully at the beginning of November I will be heading to the Tokyo area for a men's retreat and then to the Osaka area to meet up with several friends. May the Lord's will be done!







Monday, September 13, 2010

Kokorone - 心音

No English this time - sorry! Let the pictures/video do the talking!






Sunday, September 12, 2010

In the Mail - 郵便物の喜び

I'll admit it - I absolutely love getting things in the mail. Even the rejection letter for a job the other day kinda put a smile on my face. But seriously, over the past few days I have been really blessed by a couple of great brothers in Okinawa. On Friday, I received a book in the mail from Simon. It's called "The story of the Bible gifted to the Japanese" (or something like that). I hope to read it, understand it, and use it to reach out to the people of Hokkaido!



Then on Saturday, I got a special edition of the Ryukyu Shimpo in the mail from brother Chuck. I had been watching the Japanese High School Baseball National Tournament all along, and was so excited when Konan High (from Okinawa) won it all - the first team in Okinawa to win the summer tournament, and the 6th team in all of Japan to win the spring-summer tournaments back-to-back! (I would have liked it even more if Okisho had been the team to accomplish the feat, but nonetheless, congrats to Konan!) And thanks to Chuck for thinking of me!

Live From Yuni...

Steve and Michiyo and I have been heading out to a little town called Yuni once a week. I have posted about Yuni a few times in the past, and possibly even about this shop. But anyways, recently we have been doing "gospel concerts" in the shop at 6:30pm. We have had several people come and listen and be blessed by the music. We hope to give a short message from the Word one of these times. The shop owner, Yumiko, is interested in the gospel, as is the lady at the yakitori shop down the road, Harumi. Next week I am heading out to Yuni on my own, as the Lorinczes are in Hong Kong for the Calvary Chapel concert. Harumi has asked me to teach her out of the Bible a little, so pray that I would be filled with the Holy Spirit and that her heart would be touched.


Friday, September 10, 2010

The Numbers Don't Lie

Last month I posted a short video talking of how I would resume my "running career." Or at least, running as a way to stay in shape. (Or get into shape!) Well, I have been running somewhat consistently since then (I missed a few days but overall I'm sticking to it) and the numbers don't lie! My time a month ago was 26:54 and today I ran it in...


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

JLPT - After

Finally the Japanese Language Proficiency Test results have arrived - and I decided to make a video of me opening the envelope. Nothing special, but feel free to check it out. I tried to make it perfectly bilingual, but I might have failed to say some things in English. Forgive me.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Prayer Requests for September

Hi everyone. I was going to make a video post of my prayer requests, but realized that most people would probably watch the video once, if that, and possibly forget the requests. So I'm going to put them in writing, and hope you can pray with me about these things.


1) My current visa expires in December. I am planning on applying for a missionary visa as soon as possible. Pray that God would guide the process and that I would not be anxious.

2) Ministry continues! Along with Steve and Michiyo Lorincz, I have been heading out to Yuni on Thursdays and to Tobetsu around once a month. My work and study schedules conflict with those ministries at times, unfortunately. Pray for the people of Yuni and Tobetsu. Also, we are gathering in the Lorincz apartment every Sunday morning for service. It is a small place but for the time being, it is more than enough. Praise God!

3) Part-time jobs here, there, and everywhere! At the moment, I have three part-time jobs on top of studying for my master's degree and private English lessons. My schedule is so irregular and although it sounds really full, everything is in such small quantity that I do not feel that I am terribly busy. Please pray that God would continue to provide for my needs and that I might shine the light of Christ in my places of work (most of which do not allow me to share the gospel).
アルバイト生活中。現在では、3つのアルバイトをしながら大学院の勉強をしています。それに、個人の英語のレッスンをもやっています。私の毎日が違っていて大変そうに聞こえるかもしれないけど実は、けっこうヒマです(笑) 神様が続けて私の必要をすべて備えてくださることと、私がバイト先でイエスキリストの光を輝くことを祈ってください。

4) I am trying to learn guitar so that I can help with worship at our services. This would have been much easier if I had started when I was younger (i.e. a kid). But I still have the desire, and feel like I am oh-so-slowly making progress. Pray that God would be glorified through my guitar playing and that someday, I might be competent enough to play worship songs.

Thank you, and feel free to share prayer requests with me, either in the comments section or by e-mail! You know how/where to find me! God bless you all!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hottest Summer Ever!

I just read this morning that this is the hottest summer on record for Japan since 1898. All my students have also said that this summer has been especially hot. Apparently the temperature exceeds 30C two or three times per summer here in Sapporo, but this year we have had 15 of these days! Amazing! I thought I had left the heat behind me in Okinawa... but the highest temperature of the summer here has been 36C, where Okinawa only reaches 33C! Mind you, it's more humid in Okinawa, and the night time low is lower. Not to mention that the summer in Okinawa is much longer... Sapporo will eventually start to cool down. Fall should be here soon, and I hope to post lots of pictures of autumn foliage! So here are pics of me in Okinawa (darkest, top left), Sapporo in May (lightest, middle) and Sapporo today ("just right amount of tan," bottom left).
