'Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.' Ecclesiastes 4:12
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Hey y'all, last night we had an amazing time at the Koinonia Cafe. High school students recently completed their college entrance exams, and I know they've been studying for YEARS to try to get a high score on it. So we at the church thought it would be a good outreach to host a li'l "job well done" party for them. We made pork cutlet curry, had snacks, and were blessed to have a couple of live bands (Believe, and Hakugaijin) as well as a new comedy duo (Taku and Toshi) in the house! The total attendance must have been around 55 or 60. I'm not sure that more than a dozen of them were 12th graders (by my count there were 10), but they all enjoyed themselves, and I know that the name of Jesus was proclaimed to a number of non-believers. I was so blown away by a young girl (about 10 years old) who seemed to be sharing the gospel with her friends, having them turn to various Scriptures. But then later I found out they were just playing "find the Bible verse fast!" Still, it was cool.
A few of my students came out, as did my co-worker with her husband and son. I know that if we do more events like this, we will be packing the house out! Thank You, Jesus, for giving us all we need to host events like this: a place, people to prepare, bands to perform, and most of all, hearts to reach out to Your people!昨夜はコイノニアカフェでお疲れカツカレーパーティーが行われた。先週末、受験生がセンター試験を受けたため、「お疲れ様」、また、「これからも勝利があるように」を言いたくて、バンドを招き、お笑いコンビも呼んですごい盛り上がったよ!
I'm going to miss this place for awhile!!
by the way, 私もダニエルの声がほしいです(笑)昨日はお疲れ様でした。
Praise God for your witnessing! :)
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