Friday, May 28, 2010

Yuni - Ready for the Word?

Last night, Steve, Michiyo and I drove out to Yuni - about 90 minutes' drive from central Sapporo. We have been going there the past 2 weeks, walking around town and just letting people know that we are having a gathering every Thursday night. We plan on singing gospel songs, reading the Word, praying/Biblical counseling, and having a time of tea and snacks. Yuni is a small town - about 5,000 people or so. It is so laid back, so peaceful, and almost everything closes early.

We went to the local cake shop where we have befriended a lovely lady named Yumiko Shoji. She has been telling everyone about us, inviting housewives to come to our gathering, and although they were really excited about it at first, now they are having second thoughts. We are hoping to do a "gospel concert" next Thursday afternoon, so they can get out of the house and enjoy some sweet music. (For those of you who don't know, Steve and Michiyo are both accomplished professional musicians who are highly talented.)

After checking out some of the other stores, we barged in on the evening English conversation class, where both the Australian teacher (the lone foreigner in town) and the local students (ranging in age from 6 to 88) were flabbergasted to see so many foreigners in their little town. Finally, we went to the local yakitori joint for some good ramen and yakitori. We will continue to pray that God opens doors in Yuni - check out the pics... someone has posted Christian signs around town, so people's hearts are being prepared! Please pray with us!

先日にスティーブさんと美智代さんと一緒に由仁町に行ってきました。由仁町は人が少ないけれど、神様の聖霊が先に進まれた町です。街頭にクリスチャンの看板があり、イエス様にすごい興味があるケーキ屋さんのおばさんもいます。その方(庄司 由美子さん)は私たちのこれからの活動の予定を町民に広めてくださっています。(おまけにケーキはおいしいよ!)庄司さんは本当にかわいくてしゃべり方は個人的に好きです。何よりも御言葉に興味をもっている事に感動しました。新約聖書を渡したら嬉しそうに受け取ってくれて、ヨハネを読んでみると言いました。また、申し訳なさそうに「主婦さんはねぇ〜、行きたいとは言ってたけど。。。いきなり『仏様に悪いかもしれない』と言って、行かない事になってる。前まで仏教の事を無視したクセにねぇ〜」などを言って、とにかく庄司さんはすごい飢え渇いているようです。どうぞ、庄司さんのために祈ってください。



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