Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Needed: Missionary Couple!

Last Tuesday, I went out to the town of Yuni (about 90 minutes from our church in Sapporo) with Steve, Michiyo and Pastor Rokusaburo. There's a place called the Yuni Ministry House there, but it is actually a church. It has a full sanctuary, a garage, a shed, a yard (where I suppose a garden could be planted) and a 2-room suite. It also has a second floor, which will be properly build to house a missionary couple when God calls someone here.

We have decided to commit to starting a Thursday evening study in Yuni. Last week, we weren't planning on going but Steve woke up in the morning and felt the Holy Spirit telling him that they had to go. So he and Michiyo went, and people were there! They also walked around town (as we had done on Tuesday) and told people about the church. They met a few Christians, and even the people who were not Christians seemed genuinely interested and excited that we would be starting something there!

The name of the building will be changed soon to Yuni Calvary Church. The sign will have the "Calvary dove" on it, and we are praying that God would send a missionary couple to be at the church full-time. In the interim, we plan on being there every Thursday evening for fellowship and worship. Pray for us!




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