Sunday, January 3, 2010

Coming of Age

Coming of Age Day is not until next Monday here in Japan, but our school always has a special ceremony the first Sunday of January, in order to accommodate as many students as possible (as many will be returning to mainland Japan to resume the school year). So I got to meet a LOT of my students who graduated from Okisho 2 years ago. Wow, how they have grown up! (Well really, saying "hi" and getting pictures taken together is hardly an adequate way to determine their maturity... but you know what I mean.)

So the boys tend to be "cool" and stand-offish but the girls are excited to take pictures. I brought my camera, but soon realized that my pictures would just take away from their time to take pictures. Besides, I still remember all their names (haha) so it's all good, right? Next time I see them, I'll still remember their names, right???

Congratulations to the class of 2008, on becoming adults. I am excited to see and hear all about the wonderful ways you will contribute to the betterment of society.




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