Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bye bye, Mr. Hart

Actually, I just named my car "Mr. Hart" now, as I thought about it... last night some co-workers asked me if it was a boy or girl, and given the way I treated it, that car was no lady! So it had to have been a man. An old man, in car years... a 1992. Hence the "Mr." part. It was a Nissan Pulsar, and when I think of pulses, I think of the heart. But "Heart" is not a name, so it became "Hart." Anyways, after 3.5 years of loyal service to its ruthless master, Mr. Hart was brought to the place all good cars go when they die - the recycle shop. Mr. Hart was still alive, but struggling to perform at a decent level. So thanks to my favourite baseball player, who gave me all the advice I needed, I said farewell to Mr. Hart, and await his successor's arrival. (Next week sometime I will be picking up my new car... stay tuned for the post!)

愛する日産パルサーへ、あなたは3年間半、僕の荒い運転を我慢してくれてありがとうございました。お疲れ様でした。もっと可愛がっていたらあなたはまだ役に立ったのに、こんなむちゃな運転をして申し訳ありませんでした。最終的に抹消して1万6千円であなたを裏切ってしまってすみませんでした。ユダがイエスを裏切ったような気がしました(笑) 来週から新しい車を運転するけど、絶対に今回こそ大事にして長持ちしたいと思います!ミスターハート、さようなら!

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