Monday, October 27, 2008

Best Sub-Homeroom Teacher EVER

This year, as many of you know, I am a homeroom teacher in a Japanese school. The school year is just over half finished, and I have to say there have been a LOT of challenges! Without my sub-homeroom teacher, I would not be where I'm at now. This is Yukiko Higa. She graduated from Okisho and is now in her 4th year teaching at the school. She brings a lot of energy and her smile and pleasant demeanor make her a favorite among the students. I am so thankful to be able to work alongside her.

皆さんご存じだと思いますけど、今学年、私は初めて日本の学校で担任をもつことになりました。しかし沖尚2年目だけなので、わからないことばっかりで毎日新しい発見・問題があります。しかし、幸運にもいつも隣にいてくれるのは僕の素晴らしい副担任のユッキー(比嘉 由紀子)先生です。ユッキーの支えのおかげでここまで来られました!あと5ヶ月ぐらいありますが、これからもよろしくお願いします!

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