Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh baby!

While I was back in Canada, I looked through some old albums, and I found a few interesting pictures. There were a lot to choose from, but I decided to go with just the basics - my baby pictures. It is interesting to see how people change over the years, and yet how they do not change at all in some ways. In which picture do you think I look the most like I do now? Which picture looks the least like me? Post a comment and let me know what you think!

この前、カナダに帰ったときに親のフォト・アルバムを発見して、自分の赤ちゃんの頃の写真のいくつかをデジカメで写真を撮った。可愛かったでしょう?赤ちゃんのとき以来、どうしたんだろうね?(笑) ちなみに、僕のおばあちゃんは、僕がまだ1週間だったときに、お母さんに「心配するな、一番ブサイクな子はカッコよくなるからねぇ」という発言をしたらしい!ところで、ここに載っている写真の中、どっちが今のトレバーと一番似ているのか、そしてどっちが一番似ていないのかを、コメントのほうで投票してください!


MX said...


Anonymous said...

Baby pics are the best!
Least: 1st Pic
Most: Brown outfit and the last one.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Trevor, you look so much like...YOU!
: )
Just stopping by to see what's going on and to say hi.
I wish we could take that trip to Ie Jima some day, but probably not, huh? -- "Knowing how way leads on to way . . . "
Guess what--I finally finished the master's degree, and I'm teaching college english (for peanuts). It's fun.
Send me an email sometime, it would be good to catch up.
Lots of love,