Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Food, friends, and fixed cars

On Thursday evening, I suddenly had a little problem with my car. The brake lights would not turn off! It was weird but I didn't know what to do. No it's not weird that I didn't know what to do, as I have absolutely no car smarts, but it's weird that the brake lights stayed on. So I called Vunder, who gave me as much advice as he could over the phone. I was able to follow his instructions, and with Simon's help, I found the problem. But I couldn't fix it. So we phoned Ryota, who came to the rescue! Awesome, thanks Ryota! He fixed the problem in about 20 minutes, and we ate a good BBQ meal. This coming thanks to another friend, Josh, who gave me one of his two BBQs when he moved out of the Ginowan area. Since then I have been BBQing as much as possible, and it's such an amazing blessing. God has given me good friends.


1 comment:

MX said...
