Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dangerous? 危機一髪?

Yesterday I did something daring - I let my students buzz my head! Shimoji brought his clippers, taught Mutsuki and Atsuko how to use it, and left. Wait... TAUGHT them how to use it? So... they've never done this before? Oh man, I'm in TROUBLE! As I sit there nervously, in the sun, with a plastic bag over my upper half, I'm sweating and wondering if it's the heat or the fact that two rookie 17-year old girls will be determining the fate of my hair!

Well, it turned out alright. Yukky helped them out towards the end, and as a result, I'm back to having ultra-short, but evenly buzzed, hair. Thanks girls! Let's do this again sometime! But next time, you'll have had experience already doing it!



MX said...


Mark said...

It's so cool that you have someone to talk to in French!

Oh, and I didn't write Paris. My good friend from Korea wrote it here when he was on a mission trip. I just help him record and played guitar. I don't even know what he's saying. haha

Nice hair, by the way!