Monday, December 12, 2011

Technology - Blessing or Society's Downfall?

These days, I have been seeing a lot of people walking to and from work with headphones in their ears. And I am one of those people.

Then I get on the train and see tons of people sending texts, playing games, among other things, all on their smart phones. And I am one of those people.

Then I get on the bus and see more of the same. And I am one of those people.

It surprises me when I see people in their sixties with headphones in their ears. Why? At least my excuse is, "I grew up with this kind of thing -- granted, my first one was a cassette player, but I have been listening to music on my hand-held player since I was like 10 years old!" It seems like mp3 players, iPods, etc. are not just common among the younger generation. (Dare I still group myself in with the younger generation?)

I wonder... are we ever going to miss the sounds of nature? The sound of a stiff breeze blowing through a wind tunnel or a city street? The sound of leaves gently flapping against each other? The sound of the cicadas' shrill in the summer? (We won't EVER miss that one!) Even the sound of a child crying out excitedly when he sees a bug or finds 100 yen on the sidewalk?

We get so absorbed in our own worlds sometimes, that we fail to see beauty around us. I think it bugs me most when I see people texting while walking. I am going to make an effort to not do this anymore. I want to look around, let my eyes take in nature, take in people, take in the world around me, instead of the 2.4-inch screen that seems to get too much of my attention.

The song "Headphones" by Jars of Clay comes to mind as I ponder this subject. These words so often make me feel a little melancholy, and I really hope this kind of thing does not become too common in the world, although I am afraid it has already become so. At least in Japan.

I don't have to hear it, if I don't want to
I can drown this out, pull the curtains down on you
it's a heavy world, it's too much for me to care
If I close my eyes, it's not there

With my headphones on, with my headphones on
With my headphones on, with my headphones on

We watch television...but the sound is something else
Just a song played against the drama,
so the hurt is never felt
I take in the war-fires, and I'm
chilled by the current events
it's so hopeless, but there's a pop song in my

Headphones on, in my headphones on
With my headphones on, with my headphones on

At the Tube Stop, you sit down across from me
(I can see you looking back at me)
I think I know you
By the sad eyes that I see
I want to tell you (It's a heavy world)
Everything will be okay
You wouldn't hear it (I don't want to have to hear it)
So we go our separate ways...

With our headphones on, with our headphones on
With our headphones on, with our headphones on
I don't wanna be the one who tries to figure it out
I don't need another reason I should care about you
You don't want to know my story
You don't want to own my pain
Living in a heavy, heavy world
And there's a pop song in my head
I don't want to have to hear it

1 comment:

Mark said...

I often ponder the same thing. It reminds me of a good short by Rob Bell.