Friday, December 4, 2009

CCBC Oki Graduation!

On Wednesday night, Calvary Chapel Bible College, Okinawa Extension Campus had its semi-annual graduation service. This semester (the 7th that the campus has been in existence, I might add) saw a new record being set for most graduates - a whopping 4! It was so awesome to see Tom Cotton, Bryce, Amanda and Christina graduate, faces beaming and messages anointed. I was blessed to be asked to translate for Bryce. And I was also blessed to have the funnest translation gig, because Bryce brought a lot of energy and action into his message, and wouldn't let me just say it in a drab monotone voice!

Anyways, the pervading message was this: God loves you no matter what, and His grace extends beyond your imagination. Be encouraged, everyone, for His love endures forever and His grace never ends!



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