Sunday, April 5, 2009

Welcome to the House of Frugality!

It's been nearly a month since Josh and I moved into a place together, but finally we've got it more-or-less organized! We had a post-church luncheon last week, and hopefully will throw another party in the near future! Here's a short video to give you an idea of what the place is like:

By the way, if you're checking this from facebook, I don't think you'll be able to see the video, so go to my blog:


Torres Family said...

Sweet man, the music makes us miss OKI... God bless bro..
Torres Family

JC Lussier said...

You have a Urinal!!!! That's awesome. I can see it being a necessity in house with 3 guys. Looks like a great place.

Joshua Dean said...

Why do you call it the house of frugality?

Trevor Raichura said...

It has been dubbed the House of Frugality because both Josh and I are frugal with our money... not "cheap" or "stingy"... FRUGAL. (I think that one has a good connotation, as opposed to the first two!)