Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Another sweet reunion, part 2?

So last night I took another trip down memory lane. As you can tell from my most recent, oh, 15 or so posts, this is the season of arrivals and departures in Okinawa. We saw Bible college students leave, OCSI students graduating and leaving, but also old teachers and students coming back for visits. This included two legends in the history of OCSI: Kathleen Rice (center), who taught at the school for 17 years, but put in more hours than teachers who worked 30 years. She is one of those teachers that students will talk about long into their adult lives as the one who turned them around, who never gave up on them, and who loved them with an iron fist! And then there's Amy Johnson (right), who has lived in 8 of the 15 apartment suites that comprise the school's teacher housing complex. She taught on-and-off at the school from 1997-2004, taking on more roles than I have fingers on my hands! It was awesome to sit and have a meal with them, catching up on each other's lives, reminiscing on old times, and laughing as we struggled to get a good picture of us with either of our cameras. By the way, we ate at an OCSI teachers classic hangout: Royal.

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