Monday, February 28, 2011

Ayu's Friend

Last month, I got an e-mail from my friend Timtaku's wife, Ayu. "My only Christian friend in Nago is moving to Sapporo. She wants to come to your church sometime, so can you give me an address and service times?" Well, last week I finally got to meet her. Last Sunday and yesterday, as well as Thursday, we (Steve, Michiyo and I) have been hanging out with Mami. It has been really encouraging for us, especially me. I missed hearing the Okinawan accent, talking to someone who has lived where I lived... it's been cool! Last night after service, we went out for Indian food, and it was really GOOD! The owner was also a Christian, and gave us free ice cream after the meal. Praise the Lord! Fellowship and food after service is always sweet! Keep Mami in your prayers, please.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Raw men eat ra-men!


Every Monday evening, I head out to Nopporo which is in Ebetsu City, and teach English conversation there. The classes are pretty much one-on-one lessons, so I've been able to get to know my students fairly well. First, a married couple who both teach at universities (different ones, some 3 hours apart), and their 6-year old (soon 7?) daughter. Then, a cardiologist who seems to know everyone in town. Lastly, "Mr. T" - a software engineer for a cell phone company. He's the same age as me but he works LONG hours. Perhaps as a result of that, he knows all the good ramen shops in the area. So during class one day, I said, "Let's go eat ramen together someday!" Well, finally that day came this past Monday. He took us to a place called Kotetsu. It was really good! I recommend the Miso Ramen (it's the only one I tried, but it was tasty). We brought along the man who runs the English school, Mr. K. He's a trivia master, so we got to hear all about the mafia and crazy stuff like that. Good times with a few real Hokkaido men!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Online Class

Many, if not most of you, know that I am now working on my Master of Arts in TESOL. The entire program (save for two residential sessions - #1 #2) is done online, and so my "classes" are all on Saturday mornings, right in the comfort of my apartment. When I joined the program in May 2009, "classes" were all "chat" - all typed... the professors typed and we responded. Since then we have grown in number and technology, to the point where we can actually see/hear our professors, and even students are "on camera" at times as well! Last weekend I was on camera, as you can see from the picture below. It was kinda tricky to take a picture of myself while my whole class was watching - hence the poor angle. Still, you can see: the name of the university, my pic in the corner, the fact that I was "chatting" privately with one of my classmates while listening to the lecture, and also you can see a little of my computer desk area: pic of my nephew, my bro's family, an inspirational Bible verse (Isaiah 55:1-3) and fragrant oil (woody herb). Good times on Saturday mornings! Just 9 more of these sessions and I'm done with the classroom component of the degree! Pray for my thesis though, as I have no clue as to what I will be researching yet. Too many options to choose from!

このブログを読んでくださっている多くの人はご存じだと思いますが、私は現在、大学院に通っています。英語を母語としない人に英語を教える資格(英語で言うと頭文字を使ってTESOLですね)の修士号をとっています。ほぼ2年前に勉強し始めたんですが、その頃のオンラインの授業はただのチャットでした。教授も生徒もみんな、自分が言いたいことを一生懸命打ってからクラスメートの返事を待っていました。この頃、テクノロジー(技術)が発展してるから実際に教授の映像を見ながら講話を聞くことができます。時々、生徒の顔を映したり声を聞かしたりもしています。この前の土曜日に、急に私はみんなが見えるようになりました。ちょっと寝坊しちゃったから髪の毛が乱れていたけど楽しかったです。ただ、映りながら自分の写真を撮るのが難しかった。んで、上の写真はそんなに良い物じゃないかもしれないけど色んなことが見れると思います。1)私は画面の左下に映っていること。2)学校の名前はアナハイム大学であること。3)私は授業を受けながらクラスメートとチャットをしてること。4)壁に貼付けている物:甥っ子の写真、お兄さんファミリーの写真、聖書の御言葉(イザヤ53:1−3)。5)アロマオイルが置いてあること(ハーブの香り) あと9回この授業を受けてから単位全部とってることになります!その後、卒論を書いて終わり!でも皆さんの祈りが必要です。あと9ヶ月くらいかかりますので、緩むことなく卒業することができるように祈っていただければありがたいです。よろしくお願いします。

Friday, February 18, 2011

Canadian Food! カナダ料理?

Today I went out for lunch with a friend. The destination? A place not too far from my apartment, called Gagnon. Now, for those of you in southern Manitoba checking this out, you know this is a last name... a French last name. Apparently the owner is from Quebec... anyways, the food was pretty tasty, although there was maple in EVERYTHING! I was so surprised! The sandwich (a BLT) included bacon fried in maple syrup, as well as a sauce that had maple syrup in it. And the soup was a cream-based soup, but it also apparently had maple syrup in it. The dessert, it goes without saying, also had syrup in it, and the drink? Hot maple - basically like maple syrup that has been heated and watered down. Surprisingly it was a great meal. I don't feel more Canadian today, but I enjoyed the "taste of home" (though I have never used maple syrup in my cooking)! Go to Gagnon for some good "home cooking" (whatever that means) in Sapporo, my fellow Canadians!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prayer, please お祈りください


Spring is here, and job-hunting season is open! Well, it actually opened awhile ago. But I actually have two job interviews to teach English conversation to kids - the first interview is tomorrow (Wednesday) and the other is on Friday. Please pray that I would clearly know what God's will is, and that I would follow His calling! I'm a little worried about teaching young kids - never really done that before - but with God, nothing is impossible! Amen? Amen!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Snow Festival - Day 5

My goal was to go to the snow festival every day, but alas, life has ways of keeping us busy. Still, I got to hang out with a friend and his younger sister, and saw more of the festival. Beautiful stuff! Here are some pictures.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hot Lunch on a Cold Day

Right in the middle of the first day of the Snow Festival, it started pouring snow. I mean, it was snowing like never before here, and it was windy, and... well, if I hadn't have been at the festival, I would have been inside for sure! But we trudged away from the festival to get some food - and came upon a Chinese restaurant. Seemed a little like the Dragon (in Okinawa) at first, but a little cleaner. Well, Jesse and Staci ordered mabodofu and sweet & sour pork, and I ordered zangi. It was pretty good but I can't say it matches Dragon or Yuraku (karaage)... but (1) I had good company, and (2) it was a warm, dry building on a cold, wet day.


Snow Festival - Day 1

Japanese anime Sazae-san celebrates 65 years this year

In case you missed it on the news (for those of you in Japan), the 62nd annual Sapporo Snow Festival started on Monday. Let me just say... people EVERYWHERE! I got there around 10:30am and walked around looking for Jesse and Staci - no chance of finding them! Tons of people of all countries, everywhere. But we met up eventually... just in time for the big snow storm that got us all cold and soaked just before lunch. The snow sculptures were quite beautiful, and there were a few other bonus things happening, too. Here are some pics.

Okinawa represent! / 沖縄のシーサーです!

日本人の皆さんはご存知だと思いますが、月曜日から第62回さっぽろ雪まつりが開会されました。その前夜もちょっと覗きに行きましたが、月曜日の方は人込みだった!ジェッシーさんとステイシーさんに会いに行ったら、全く見当たらなかった!けどこれはケイタイ電話の時代なので、30分くらいしたら会えました。 吹雪に遭って寒かったけど、その前後は雪像が見れて感動しました。また金曜日に行きますが、とりあえずはこの写真をどうぞ!

Mr. Potato Head / みすたーぽてとへっど

Look closely - where's this guy from? It's Daejeon!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Special Visitors 2

It is always a blessing to have familiar faces come up to Sapporo for a visit. Amazingly, since I moved here 9 months ago, I have had visits with 4 groups/individuals from Okinawa! On Sunday night, I met Jesse and Staci at Sapporo station and took them to their hotel. To my surprise, my car barely had enough room to fit all their luggage! They have come up to see the snow festival and get in some good skiing. This is a picture of them in front of an ice sculpture in downtown Sapporo.
