Friday, February 18, 2011

Canadian Food! カナダ料理?

Today I went out for lunch with a friend. The destination? A place not too far from my apartment, called Gagnon. Now, for those of you in southern Manitoba checking this out, you know this is a last name... a French last name. Apparently the owner is from Quebec... anyways, the food was pretty tasty, although there was maple in EVERYTHING! I was so surprised! The sandwich (a BLT) included bacon fried in maple syrup, as well as a sauce that had maple syrup in it. And the soup was a cream-based soup, but it also apparently had maple syrup in it. The dessert, it goes without saying, also had syrup in it, and the drink? Hot maple - basically like maple syrup that has been heated and watered down. Surprisingly it was a great meal. I don't feel more Canadian today, but I enjoyed the "taste of home" (though I have never used maple syrup in my cooking)! Go to Gagnon for some good "home cooking" (whatever that means) in Sapporo, my fellow Canadians!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi!i'm tomomi,one of ula student.
i know this shop. because ganyon's owner is my frend's frend.i've bought a bottle of maple syrup before.but i've never had lunch my oldest daughter are going to have lunch there!your blog reminds me of this shop.thank you!