Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Birthday and Birth Day!

Kenney sits next to me in our staff room. He's one of the most hardworking guys I know. Strict, yes. Stressed (at times), yes. Sweaty, yes. Funny, oh yes!

Well, Kenney (real name "Ken" - named after Constitution Day - Kenpo no Hi) had a birthday on Thursday of last week. As is the case every year, his birthday is a day off of work, so on Friday we ordered milk tea from Sasoriza (still a vice I just can't "shake") and gave him a little birthday card.

Also, about 17 days before his birthday, Kenney's family got a little bigger. No, he didn't gain a lot of weight... his wife gave birth to their third child - a baby girl named Sachi. So we also contributed by giving him a little gift certificate for the baby's needs. It was a month of milestones for the Suzuki family. Congratulations Kenney & Ryoko, big brother Taro, and big sister Ai!

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