Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Outreach in Nago

Yesterday a group of us went up to Nago to Pastor Tim's house. Tim and Ayu and Masaki moved up to Nago at the end of July to start a new work there. They meet Sundays and Wednesdays for worship service, and Tim also hangs out with the breakdancers on a regular basis, reaching out to them and sharing the love of Christ with them.

This time he hosted a Christmas party - around 50 people showed up, half of whom did not know Jesus. The party began with a lot of delicious food... curry, bread, fish, chicken, salad, you name it! Then after some performances (Hakugaijin, Aoki-san on the... some unique instrument, Andrew on the guitar, etc.) there was dessert and games, and finally the Christmas message.

It was such a blessed night, and one of the breakdancers made a decision to accept the Lord into his heart! Exciting! I wasn't around to celebrate - I left early to prepare for today's men's fellowship - but I was excited to hear the news! Pray for Masaki (not Newell - mind you, you can pray for him too of course!) the breakdancer and his "new life" as a follower of the living God!

My camera batteries died after about 5 pics, so this is all I've got. Sorry.

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